Jumat, 08 Juni 2012




Tahun Pelajaran 2011-2012


Subject : Science - Biology                                                                          Grade/Semester  :  VIII / 2

 Day/Date    : Monday /  June 10 th2012                                                       Time Allocation :  90 minutes

I.                Choose the right answer by giving crossmark (x) at one of letters!  

1.     Below are main organs of plant, except ……

          a.   root                                                   c.  stem

          b.   fruit                                                   d.  leaf

2.     Consider figure of cross section of dicotyledon stem below!

         xylem and phloem vasculars are shown by number……

        a.   2 and 4                                              c.  1 and 4

        b.   1 and 3                                              d.  5 and 3              

 3.      Below are factors that cause water and mineral can move up from root to leaves, except……

          a.   osmosis                                            c.  absorptive  capacity of leaf

          b.   root  pressure                                   d.  capillarity capacity of vasculars

4.     Plant body composed of organs, consisting of ...  

a. root, stem, leaf, stem                        c. seeds, fruit

b. the leaves, flowers, roots,                                 d.  flowers, seeds, fruit

5.     The roots which serves to absorb minerals and expanding field of absorption is. .. ...

a. Hood hair root                                    c.   root

b. the endodermis                                  d.  epidermis

6.     Material that  needed by photosynthesis process are….

        a.   carbon dioxyde and oxygen            c.   glucose and oxygen

        b.   water and glucose                           d.   carbon dioxyde and water              

7.     Based on experiment construction figure below, this proves that photosynthesis


                   a.   water                                                c.  oxygen

                   b.   carbohydrate                                    d.  chlorophyll

8.     Esionom movement is classify  into movement within mentioned below, except………

        a.   autonom                                           c.  taxic

                b.   nasty                                                                 d.  tropism             

        9.     The closing movement of  Mimosa  pudica  leaf if touched is called………

a.   phototropism                                    c.  seismonasty

b.   tigmotropism                                   d.  nictynasty        

10.   Rat that infect rice plant is called……

        a.   disease                                             c.  virus

        b.   insect                                                d.  pest

11.   Perforator pest in potato tuber is…… .

        a.   grasshoupper                                    c.  rat

        b.   caterpillar                                        d.  bird

12.   The pesticides used to eradicate the insects including group ... ... ... ...

a. herbicide                                            c. fungicides

b. rodentiside                                         d. insecticides

13.   Substances in whitener that can make clothes quickly get damage is…….

        a.  sodium hypochlorite                        c.  acetic acid       

        b.  vinegar                                              d.  hydrogen

14.   The following  are examples of artificial sweeteners, except……

        a.  saccharine                                         c.  cyclamate

        b.  sorbitol                                              d.  msg

15.  The content of chemicals in foods can look from their packaging, that is in part of…..

         a.  compotion                                        c.  packaging colour

         b.  indication                                         d.  packaging material

16.   Expire date (expiry date) that terdapatpada food packaging implies that .........

a. food can be consumed after that date

b. Food began to be consumed by that date

c. waste tested for safety on that date

d. still safe for consumption before that date

17.   Materials natural dyes are often used in food manufacture  is ......

a. guava leaves.                                     c pandan leaves

b.turmeric leaves                                                  d cassava leaves

18.  Caffeine derived from cocoa and coffee beans, tea leaves used as a ...  

a. sedative                                              c. sleeping Drug

b. stimulants                                          d. Antidepressants

  19. Psychotropic substances, known as ecstasy ......
a. Shabu-shabu                       b. Inex                     c. Putaw                                 d. Marijuana

20.   Following that include physical characteristics of people who are addicted to psychotropic substances is .. ....

a. convulsions, loss of heat, sweat a lot, a lot of eating

b. the Carefree and always cheerful

c. Hair desultory

d. increase the dosage of drugs used


II.    Answer the questions below briefly and correctly!

21.   Write down the 3 causer factors of rising of water from root to leaves!

22.   Write down the photosynthesis chemical reaction!

23.   Explain 2 methods to exterminate pest and disease on plant!

24.   Mention 3 symptoms that experienced by someone who uses narkoba!

25.   Explain 3 ways to avoid ourselves from narkoba!